Top 10 Freelance writing websites for article writers 2020:

Arihara Sudhan
8 min readAug 28, 2020


Nothing can give the comfort of working at home fixing our schedule, sipping our delighted coffee. It is just bliss to use our couch as our office room with a laptop on an adjusted table. This would be a dream for those who work in an office. This pandemic may have given them a huge relief of working from home, but they would be monitored by the company admin via monitoring applications. Freelancing is the coziest and the highest payable job in the entire world. Of all the working population, there are more than 60 percent of them who work as part-time or full-time freelancers. In this present condition; where the entire world is engraved by the pandemic threat; most of the companies hire freelancers to get their job done.

But the fact is that most of the freelancers get deceived or get fooled by the clients or recruiters as they get jobs from some unknown or non-trustable freelancing websites. Only trusted freelance websites follow certain rules and procedures in maintaining code for both freelancers and clients. You can stop searching for trusted and reliable freelance writing websites as this article will showcase the top 10 freelancing websites that are enriched with opportunities and they pay you well.

1. — This is one of the most common and reliable freelancing writer platforms that you can find on the internet. With their user-friendly approach and an enormous number of client bases, is a great opportunity for freelance writers. It is best suitable for beginners to experts as you can find a variety of writing projects based on experience levels.

You can search for a variety of writing projects by using essential filters and bidding for the project. Once your bid is approved you are allowed to chat with the client and you can continue the work from thereon. Once the project is completed, the client will pay to the website. A certain amount of pay you charge for the bid will be deducted as fees and then the remaining will be transferred to your bank account by the website within 5 to 7 business days. Before bidding the project, it is essential to take a look over the client’s profile and confirm whether their mail id and payment transaction are verified. This will reduce the chances of getting deceived. If you are deceived, which is very rare, you can complain to the website and they would take necessary action based on the seriousness of the issue.

2. Upwork — Upwork is the widest known freelancing platform for the graphical designers and freelance writers. You have to register yourself and get approved to start your gig in Upwork. Getting an approved Upwork account is not an easy task, but also not a difficult one. Once your account gets approved, you need to apply your gig in various long-term and short term projects.

Upwork adds reputation to the experienced writers as their early projects will add a feather to their cap in their profile. But this should be mistaken that it is only for the experienced ones. Even a starter can earn in Upwork. But it requires intense amount of hard-work and patience. You need to apply for multiple gigs before you land in for your first gig.

You need to update your profile information in a catchy way to get clients to their side.

Also, you can fix a low hourly rate in the initial run and after getting a series of projects and earning a writing experience; you can increase your hourly rate. If you want to apply for more projects you need to buy coins to apply for gigs.

3. iWriter — This is the best site for beginners to start their writing career. They are known for their payment accuracy. They pay their freelancers weekly. They provide easier template-based projects which are easily understandable for the freelancers to apply for the projects. Once you get familiar with the client, then there are higher chances of getting more projects from the clients in a repeated manner. Initially, the pay will be a bit odd for the writers but later after a certain experience, you can have decent pay for the blog you write.

You can choose your preferred niche in which you are specialized. The client can easily identify you if their requirements and your niche are in a perfect match. This feature is not available in any other freelancing writing site. You can also search for a job in your selected niche using the filter option in the niche section. So, if you want to be a writer and earn a considerable income through it, you can choose the iWriter platform. It is a flexible platform for both novice and veteran.

4. Flexjobs — This is a wonderful site for writers. The platform helps the professional writer to find clients for their business. It is different from other freelancing sites as all the projects that have been posted are tested and verified. So, there is no need to worry about scamming gigs or low-paying gigs. You need to register with their website as a writer to bid for the gig. Their subscription is a paid one. Despite that, they charge a minimal subscription fee by offering more freelancing gigs for your professional writing business.

Also, the paid subscription helps to eliminate the scammers and the time passers. Their website is unique that you can use filters to search for your desired freelancing job. Apart from writing portfolio, you can choose other jobs like virtual assistant jobs, Web designing jobs, and other SEO related jobs in the portal.

5.People-per-hour: PPH is one such freelancing platform specially designed for the beginners. Experts too can sign in PPH but it is efficient for beginners. Beginner Freelance writers can sign in PPH to gain some experience and some money through PPH. When you sign up, you will be provided with limited credits with which you can bid only limited projects per month. But the fact is they do not assure you quality projects alone. You should be aware of the client and their rating before bidding in their project. They follow certain characteristics — They allow only a short description. If you want to paint yourself with words, that would not be possible. The expiry of the project is only a month in which it automatically expires after that. To be short, you need to keep your description short and precise if you want to bid your project in PPH. If you want to increase the bids you need to pay for credit added to your account.

6. Blogging pro — The name itself suggests that it is a site that supports the bloggers and writers the most. It is an online job portal where you can find potential clients and join hands with them for their projects. Unlike Flexjobs, Blogging Pro does not charge any prior subscription fees for their clients and freelancer services. It is a completely free platform for both the clients and freelancers. Business professionals pay nearly thirty dollars for thirty-day job advertisements and you can find genuine clients who search for freelancers for their business content. You can use the filter and search jobs according to your convenience.

This website is exclusively for the bloggers and writers and so you cannot find other freelancing jobs like web designing or UI developer or Java developer jobs. To be short, Blogging Pro is one of the best sites for freelance bloggers to search for more opportunities to improve their blogging career.

7. Writer Finder — This is one of the best Writer and client connecting agencies where you can register yourself to join their writer database. More clients are available on their platform and the company alerts you with potential clients for your writing business. You need to register with your skill sets and desired niche where you are a professional at. You can get access to various clients through them to connect with your desired content creation company. The freelancer will be intimidated either through mail or other sources if a perfect match of a client is found. This is an efficient site for both beginners and experts. You can get clients based upon your skillset. This is completely legit and does not include scamming clients and hence you can assure of decent pay from them.

8. Constant content — This is one such agency which links more than 50 thousands of trusted clients and brands with the freelance content writers. You can register and sign up for free and create your account. Then you have to denote your skill sets and your desired rate you want to charge the client, etc. in your profile. You need to complete your profile for the best results. After completing the profile, you can apply for the projects that match your desired skill set and rate. With this agency, you can build your reputation and build your brand by creating awesome content for multiple businesses. The site has a database of more than one lakh freelance content creators and fifty thousand branded clients. This is suitable for both beginners and experts. You will merge up with clients based upon your profile experience and so, it is worth for new freelance writers to give a try.

9. Guru — Guru is one such freelancing market place for those experienced bloggers and content creators. Yes, you can sign up and create a catchy profile with your past works and the desired niche. This will attract the clients and they can bind you with their requirements. There are both long term and short term freelancing jobs available. You can set your desired rate per hour, your skill set, and niche selection and search for clients who match your preferences. This works similarly to with a slight variation. In the Freelancer site, you need to bid for the project whereas you need not in Guru. To be short, in Guru, clients find you whereas, in other freelancing writing sites, the clients need to send a proposal. It is more of a market place of freelancers for the clients than a mediator who acts as connectivity between the client and the service provider.

10. TextBroker –This is one such writing agency where freelance writers can find an enormous number of projects. Signing up for this site is completely free. You can find thousands of clients who can pay you the best in the industry for their job to be done. There is less to zero number of scammers in the site and a freelance writer can develop his skills and improve his career through Textbroker. This site also manages the payment related transactions between the clients and the freelancer. So the payments will be assured without delay. You can also get feedback from the clients related to the content you produce. Through the feedback, your profile gets a huge leap which as a result will increase the number of clients for your business. This agency provides opportunities for freelancers from all countries, unlike other freelancing agencies who allow freelancers from major countries like the USA, Europe, and the UK.

The entire world is threatened due to the pandemic and it is the best time for the freelancers to enhance their business and increase their client base. Also, freelancing is the preferred choice of most of the top companies in the world. They would be hiring for the writers on their website but they too rely upon other freelancing sites like the above-said ones to familiarise their vacancy.

But as a freelance writer, you should make sure of the originality of the recruiter and then apply to prevent any disappointments. It is best not to believe in agents for your freelancing business. Rather, focus on the above-discussed freelancing writing sites to get the best clients for your business.

So what are you waiting for? Turn on your laptop and apply on these websites and work on your comfort at home.



Arihara Sudhan

Talks about content strategy, content marketing, and On-page SEO.